While surfing the ever expanding internet and looking at jewellery and art for my new project I came across some works which either impressed me or sickened me in a very much good way. Some new discoveries and some old.

I bought Joanne Haywood's book 'Mixed Media Jewellery', the other day and while taking a goosey I came across this necklace, a seemingly quite usual gold necklace I flicked past it at first, but when taking a second glanse I read the caption underneath, 'Gold Necklace with Heads of Humming Birds'. This is amazing! I want one! Originating from 1865-1870, from Harry Emanuel's Bond St. it is now displayed at the British Museum in London, I think I need make a visit and stare in ore.
I love Peter Chang's work, a crazed LSD induced explosion of colour is captured in each piece. Simplistic shapes are all that are needed when using so much texture and depth, a perfect sum of qualities which equal to a variety of visual masterpieces.

Last night I had dinner with an old school friend, my best friend of nine years Sophie Caplan, and a friend of Sophie's from Ravensbourne College, who said upon meeting me, "Aren't you in Sophie's photographs." So here are those photographs, marvelous, and a brilliant example of what is Sophie Caplan's designs. A brilliant friend and a stunning designer, watch this space and remember her name too.

It's a little vein me showing off photographs of myself, but it's not about me it's about the clothes, models are just hangers at the end of the day. One day I'd love to collaborate with this future star.
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