One day last term one of my lecturers at London College of Fashion asked for our personal take on current jewellery trends. So naturally i headed straight for 'Vogue', 'Purple Fashion' and 'Harper's Bizaar'. But my wonderful Mother often brings home out of season issues and this time around a 'Make-up Store'. Which was like a visual utopia and where I found these images which I love! Although air brushed to the max, I love the use of brooches and jewellery in a non traditional sense partnered with fabric which sits like a series of tattoos.
While on the subject of research here is just a little more. Over the last year and a half I have done a lot of research, for both academia and personal pleasure, but i have come across some jewellers who have influenced me and my work or have simply opened my mind up just a tad more.
Joanne Haywood is a friend of my Mother's. A great aid to me in my education and goal, and a fantastic jeweller. Using a combination of metal work and the much underestimated method of crochet, she is a prime example of what contemporary jeweller is and can be today. (www.joannehaywood.co.uk)
Rheanna Lingham is a particular favourite of mine. I first discovered her work during my foundation year at UCA Rochester, while looking at contemporary jewellers who use animals in their work. Although on some level this could be perceived as vulgar I think every single feather in each piece is a reflection of how wonderful an animal carcass can be and the beauty of life. Which i tend to look at in all my most recent works.
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