Sunday, 24 January 2010


So I have recently started a new project at LCF on 'Multiples'. Originally nothing came immediately to mind when I heard this word so I aimlessly began drawing flower petals, chains and pine cones, all of which hold multiples. Still at a loss I mind mapped my ideas in my usual fashion, righting evrything I'm thinking because my poor little brain can not deal with so many thoughts. Whilst carrying out my brain relief exercise I thought about animals and humans, their multiples, well there's bones and teeth, but I have already looked at these aspects in past work. Then it hit me what is the biggest mass collection of multiples of a person? CELLS! This is probably the point where I became extremely over excited, and I tell you now there are some really interesting pieces of microscopic photography out there, especially at the Wellcome Collection in Euston Road, which was very rewarding I must add. I think this is probably the only time in my academic career myself and my brother, the chemist, will ever see eye to eye in terms of our careers. Although I'm not so interested in the equations, more so how beautiful some of the slides I have seen are.
Anyway to further my research into biological cells I took a day trip by myself, to willingly take an interest in science. (This I must add has not happened since I was doing my AS level three years ago.) I went to the Wellcome collection as I said and I also went to the Science Museum in London, which coincidentally is also part of the Wellcome trust.
Now I'm not going to post the photographs I'm going to use for my research and design process because that will just ruin the end result, so I'm keeping (the probably not so tense) suspense, but here are some pretty great pieces of science and art.
I must add by the end of the day I was feeling rather queezy, admittedly I do love to learn about body parts and biology especially using it in my work, but there is only so much a girls stomach can take. Although I highly recommend a visit to both the exhibitions!

A Sculpture of a future obese person, interesting.

An Actual slice of a person! Yes that used to be a woman!

A very real, amazingly preserved mummy!

A particular favourite of mine, a hat made out of skull and bone.

A Shrunken Head.

A genuine Human hand and Human arm preserved with injected wax.

Interesting I would say but I'm sure people will see this as grotesque or hideous, but why? Why not embrace the very fibre of our actual being. I challenge you to think outside the box and into reality.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Fresh Ideas

Yesterday my 2D class took a brief trip to the V&A in London and to a student exhibition elsewhere in London. A lot of the work in at the student show was pretty inspiring, innovation is definitely the word, amazing what fresh minds can do. A particular piece which caught my eye was an almost, harness back piece, made of fur straps and tusks, it's not as sexual or bestial as it sounds, but it was very impressive. I do have a photograph, but I won't post it, just in case there are some idea stealers reading!
There was a particular set of pieces in the Victoria & Albert Museum which did catch my eye during our very brief visit.
I love it, it's like there is water of milk being poured out of the jugs. An antique at heart, but I think this could be translated into contemporary jewellery easily, it seems everyone loves something a little unusual today.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

The Past, The Present and The Future!

While surfing the ever expanding internet and looking at jewellery and art for my new project I came across some works which either impressed me or sickened me in a very much good way. Some new discoveries and some old.

I bought Joanne Haywood's book 'Mixed Media Jewellery', the other day and while taking a goosey I came across this necklace, a seemingly quite usual gold necklace I flicked past it at first, but when taking a second glanse I read the caption underneath, 'Gold Necklace with Heads of Humming Birds'. This is amazing! I want one! Originating from 1865-1870, from Harry Emanuel's Bond St. it is now displayed at the British Museum in London, I think I need make a visit and stare in ore.

I love Peter Chang's work, a crazed LSD induced explosion of colour is captured in each piece. Simplistic shapes are all that are needed when using so much texture and depth, a perfect sum of qualities which equal to a variety of visual masterpieces.

Last night I had dinner with an old school friend, my best friend of nine years Sophie Caplan, and a friend of Sophie's from Ravensbourne College, who said upon meeting me, "Aren't you in Sophie's photographs." So here are those photographs, marvelous, and a brilliant example of what is Sophie Caplan's designs. A brilliant friend and a stunning designer, watch this space and remember her name too.

It's a little vein me showing off photographs of myself, but it's not about me it's about the clothes, models are just hangers at the end of the day. One day I'd love to collaborate with this future star.

Friday, 15 January 2010

The beginings

So today at LCF we did a spot (it's a pun, wait for it) of spot welding (smooth I know). So while re-acquainting myself with this quite frightening piece of high voltage equipment, accompanied with a pair of safety goggles and heat resistant gloves, I remembered I did quite a lot of experimental pieces last year. Including spot welding as well as some found object work and silversmithing. Pieces I had completely forgotten about up until this point. Admittedly they are pretty unfinished and unrefined but none the less I managed to make some interesting and not so traditional pieces, it was all very experimental.

Bizarre looking pieces I know, but this was me experimenting with the idea of ear cuffs using metal rods, plates and spot welding to create each one. A futuristic alternative to the traditional earring. Although not completely conventional it did get me thinking about adornment alternatives.

Yes, you guessed right this is a ring encapsulating a lock of hair. From the same project as my 'Hand Vase' and 'Mouse' brooch, the idea behind this piece is the adornment and preservation of life. A box constructed from acrylic/perspex attached to a cast ring, this piece contains a lock of dogs hair. Again out there, but again experimental, and I again I love it!

This necklace was a simple two minute job, constructed from found objects. A piece of driftwood from Cornwall, a length of wire and ribbon, the idea of this was encapsulation, like the 'Hair' ring.

Finally this is a final piece produced for a short project I did at Rochester. The idea is distressing, and making the beautiful into something raw. This piece is based on a locket, usually beautiful with intricate detail, I chose to make a locket of raw appearance. Made with the help of a brilliant tutor and technician in the famous Goldsmithing, Silversmithing & Jewellery department at UCA, this piece is a block of highly distressed wood, sitting inside a silver plated shell, with a rubber and silver plated plug which seals a small compartment. The piece is hung from a length of suede.

Thursday, 14 January 2010


So I've given you a short incite into my idea of positive fashion jewellery, it's clear I like diversity and not so simple ideas, and love the use of unusual materials (birds, feathers and what not), Influences. So how influential you ask?

This is one half of my work from my foundtion year. I'm one proud puppy, it was a project on displaying and celebrating life through adornment and jewellery. Quite ironic really that the flowers I used were murdered by a florist. Made in the traditional method of silversmithing and with the help of a very nice technician, I achieved this by using brass, copper and silver plating and not forgetting made with finger numbing toil.

Here is the other half of that very fulfilling project, in keeping with the theme of life and adornment I chose to take a more contemporary approach. By casting frozen mice (from a snake shop, not caught by me as one foolish person has asked) to make a mold, I created replicas using resin and connected them together with a combination of wire and string to create an over sized brooch with a controversial appearance, but with a positive meaning.
This project is what made me realise what I love, and the marker of my starting pistol.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010


One day last term one of my lecturers at London College of Fashion asked for our personal take on current jewellery trends. So naturally i headed straight for 'Vogue', 'Purple Fashion' and 'Harper's Bizaar'. But my wonderful Mother often brings home out of season issues and this time around a 'Make-up Store'. Which was like a visual utopia and where I found these images which I love! Although air brushed to the max, I love the use of brooches and jewellery in a non traditional sense partnered with fabric which sits like a series of tattoos.

While on the subject of research here is just a little more. Over the last year and a half I have done a lot of research, for both academia and personal pleasure, but i have come across some jewellers who have influenced me and my work or have simply opened my mind up just a tad more.

Joanne Haywood is a friend of my Mother's. A great aid to me in my education and goal, and a fantastic jeweller. Using a combination of metal work and the much underestimated method of crochet, she is a prime example of what contemporary jeweller is and can be today. (

Rheanna Lingham is a particular favourite of mine. I first discovered her work during my foundation year at UCA Rochester, while looking at contemporary jewellers who use animals in their work. Although on some level this could be perceived as vulgar I think every single feather in each piece is a reflection of how wonderful an animal carcass can be and the beauty of life. Which i tend to look at in all my most recent works.

The Introduction and The Pleasantries

I'm quite a new comer to the fashion world, a strange yet interesting world of vanity, image and competition. But I'm not being an opinionated head of negativity, every aspect of this new world is sweetness in the most brilliant sense. So while I discover new works, designers, artists and evolve as a jewellery designer, I am forcibly inflicting my discoveries and triumphs upon you my lovelies. So enjoy, comment, and play along with the idea that I think I know what I'm talking about.

Remember This Name and Hold This Space.