Hi all.... Yes I am alive! Which is extremely surprising after the past incredibly manic 6 months I've just had!
I have now finished my second year and finished it with a lovely 2:1. It is now the beginning of that beautiful time in every university students life, 3RD YEAR! I have to say at my 3rd year breifing I didn't realise it was possible to feel both excited and incredibly terrified at the same time. It's safe to say many bricks have been passed.
On a very exiting note my secondary school very knidly asked me to preview some of my work at their annual technology exhibition at Bluewater shopping centre in Kent! It was open all this week 8am-5pm so if you had the chance to go and have a look thank you. The technology department at the Leigh Technology Academy do some amazing things and it was the platform to my relationship with product design.

Now on a retail note ..... I WANT THESE NOW!!! Say hello to the oh so beautiful Burberry Brights Foldable Sunglasses. Everybody loves a gimmick and these scream LOOK AT ME!

Burberry have even produced this lovely interactive video so you can see just how yummy these beauties are! They come in several tasty colours, but if you like them as much as I do you better scramble together £210.
It's an industry fact at the moment that jewellery design is being hit hard by the lack of jewellery being used in current fashion trends. Let's admit it, when was the last time you bought some sweet bling for that oh so fabulous outfit? So to my sweet surprise when I opened Vogue on my fabulous Greek holiday I was pleased to find Chanel backing our corner........

This post is pretty short and sweet but I need to get back in to the swing of blogging. I'll update you when new posts are up on my 'Francesca Smith' Jewellery page .....
Please 'LIKE' it while your there! Also keep an eye out for my new collection, which I am currently working on.
Have a fabulous summer all.