No not the band, it's the gorgeous sunshine reining over London and Kent today! Yes, noted it is still just cold enough to have to wear that now stale smelling coat, but it is most certainly enough to get me thinking about the coming Spring/Summer season especially with the ripe smell of spring oozing from the daffodils in my living room. Begin rediscovering the nearly forgotten treasures of summertime warmth like the sandals you lived in, the sunglasses and the garments which scream summer lust!
I know, I know it has been a long time since I've blogged my faithful friends and followers but I have been locked away enthusiastically working away at my latest project. Well hand in was yesterday and as I promised here is a premier preview of my final piece. It was a long slog, with tears, mishaps, and a dumper truck full of stress, but I can safely say it was worth it. I've learnt alot through personal errors and classes and have grown a little bit more as a jewellery designer.
So I will let the suspense end, presenting 'Cell' by Francesca Smith.